Monday, April 24, 2017

Catatan berhimpunku, "Bagaimana Kaum Muda menghadapi Krisis Dewasa ini ?"

Khotbah Umum 23 April 2017
"Bagaimana Kaum Muda menghadapi
Krisis Dewasa Ini?"

Perubahan sopan santun
Perubahan gaya pakaian
Perubahan tempat nongkrong
Data-data yang meningkat terhadap tingkah laku seksual, aborsi dan tingkat bunuh diri yang meningkat

Penyebab terjadinya krisis dewasa ini

1. Keretakan hubungan keluarga, Suami Istri yang bercerai
    Orang tua yang tidak memiliki standar moral yang baik
    Sang anak yang dimanjakan
2. Faktor lingkungan
3. 2 Timotius  3:1-5  Karna kita hidup di hari-hari terakhir

Apa Peranan Orang Tua dalam menghadapi Krisis dewasa ini ?

1. Matius        6:33   Menunjukan kepada anak anak kasih kepada Allah adalah yg utama
2. Ulangan      6:7     Menyediakan waktu untuk anak-anak, menjadi pendengar yang baik
3. Menyediakan waktu untuk rekreasi membuat hubungan semakin akrab dan nyaman
4. Orang tua menyertakan pertanyaan agar bisa mengetahui isi hati anaknya
5. Galatia        6:7     Bantu anak untuk memahami konsekuensi jika mengambil haluan yang baik maupun yang tidak baik
6. Tentang mengambil pendidikan yang lebih tinggi

1 Yohanes      15:9    Musuh utama kita Setan bisa menyimpangkan melalui kelemahan anak muda
1. Anak muda tegas mengatakan tidak terhadap seks, rokok, menghindari hiburan yang tidak membina,
2 Timotius       2:22    Harus lari terhadap keinginan masa muda
Roma               8:5,6   Anak muda memilih haluan kedamaian, hidup yang saleh
Pengabdian yang saleh adalah hormat dan tunduk  kepada ibadat Yehuwa

Titus                1:1,2    Kita yakin bahwa Yehuwa tidak berubah dengan janjinya
Mazmur         37:37     Memeroleh masa depan yg penuh damai

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Catatan Berhimpunku, "Tidak Dendam Meski Dirugikan"

Khotbah Istimewa
"Tidak Dendam Walau Dirugikan"
16 April 2017

Dendam (konteks dalam umat Yehuwa ): iri hati, panas hati, benci sama seseorang karna kita tidak memakai kekerasan

Zefanya        2:3 kalau masih ada dendam, bahaya buat keselamatan kita
Penyebab kita cepat marah : stress
2 Timotius   3:2-4 Koreksi diri jika ada salah satunya mungkin kita bisa jadi pendendam
Dirugikan? Soal emosi diledek secara verbal atau tertulis.
Mazmur      37:10 Segala jenis ketidakadilan dan kefasikan akan Yehuwa bereskan.
Manfaat melindungi diri terhadap dari sifat mendedam atau rasa sakit hati?
Matius          5:9  Kita akan merasakan kebahagiaan.
Amsal         14:30 Hati yang tenang adalah kebahagiaan.
Apa yg bisa membantu kita agar tdk menaruh dendam?
Roma          12:19 Harus mengakui bahwa pembalasan adalah Hak Yehuwa.
Roma          12:21 Jangan takluk dengan apa yg jahat.
Caranya ? Tidak bergaul dengan mereka yg memiliki sifat pendendam.
Tidak suka dengan hiburan apapun yg memiliki unsur dendam dan kekerasan
Mazmur      37:11 Orang yg lembut hati akan mendapatkan kesenangan dan akan memiliki bumi.
Roma          12:20  Kepada mereka yg membuat kita kesal, apa kita bisa berbuat baik             kepadanya?
2 Korintus  10:5b  Pikiran kita harus taat pada kristus, caranya?
Mazmur      37:8  

Saturday, April 1, 2017


Maukah Anda Menerimanya ?

    Apakah anda pernah mendapatkan hadiah dari seseorang? Baik itu dari ayah, ibu, kakak, adik, saudara yang lain, bahkan dari teman dan sahabat ? Sebuah hadiah mungkin biasa-biasa saja bagi beberapa orang, tapi bagi yang menerima dan menghargainya, itu sangat bernilai.

    Menurut anda, hadiah terbaik apa yang anda telah rasakan yang diberikan Allah kepada anda? Allah juga memberi kita hadiah yng sangat istimewa dan sangat berharga. Apa itu ? Yohanes 3:16 menjelaskan, "Karna Allah begitu mengasihi dunia ini, ia memberikan Putra satu-satunya yang diperanakkan, agar setiap orang yang memperlihatkan iman akan dia tidak akan dibinasakan melainkan memperoleh kehidupan abadi."
Ya, hadiah yang bisa membuat penerimannya hidup abadi pasti sangat berharga !

    Mungkin ada yang tidak menyadari nilainya, tapi bagi orang kristen sejati itu sangat "mahal". Tapi, mengapa Allah memberikan kehidupan PutraNya untuk dunia ini ?* Roma 5:12 menjelaskan , "Sebagai mana dosa masuk kedalam dunia melalui satu orang dan kematian, melalui dosa, demikianlah kematian menyebar kepada semua orang." Adam, manusia pertams , berdosa karna dia sengaja tidak menaati Allah, dan dia dihukum mati. Kematian ini diwariskan Adam kepadd semua anak cucunya, yaitu semua orang di dunia ini.

    Demi membebaskan manusia dari hukuman mati, Allah mengutus Yesus Kristus ke bumi untuk memberikan kehidupannya yang sempurna sebagai korban. Melalui korban ini, yang dikenal sebagai "tebusan", semua yang beriman kepada Yesus bisa hidup selamanya.- Roma 3:24. 

    Dari semua pemberian yang baik dari Allah, mengapa tebusan paling istimewa? Mengapa itu berbeda dengan hadiah Allah yang lain? Dan bagaimana seharusnya tanggapan kita? Silahkan anda baca jawaban Alkitab di artikel selanjutnya dengan mengunduh secara gratis publikasi Menara Pengawal Yang diterbitkan oleh Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa di link  atau Apakah Anda ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak informasi atau belajar Alkitab gratis dirumah? 
Bukalah atau anda bisa menghubungi saya secara langsung. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Enam pemain Barça dalam nominasi uefa

Alba, Mascherano, Piqué, Xavi, Iniesta dan Messi adalah pemain Barça yang masuk dalam 40 kandidat untuk Team of The Year. Nantinya akan dipilih all star XI yang akan diperebutkan oleh 40 kandidat tersebut. Berikut ini adalah ke-40 kandidat Team of The Year: Goalkeepers: Buffon, Casillas, Cech and Neuer Defenders: Barzagli, Cole, Hummels, Ivanovic, Jordi Alba, Kompany, Lahm, Mascherano, Pepe, Piqué, Sergio Ramos and Thiago Silva Midfielders: Alonso, Blaszczykowski, Hazard, Iniesta, Juan Mata, Marchisio, Özil, Pirlo, Reus, Silva, Touré and Xavi Forwards: Agüero, Burak Yilmaz, Cavani, Drogba, Falcao, Mario Gómez, Huntelaar, Ibrahimovic, Lewandowski, Messi, Ronaldo and Van Persie

Enam pemain Barça dalam nominasi Team of T

Alba, Mascherano, Piqué, Xavi, Iniesta dan Messi adalah pemain Barça yang masuk dalam 40 kandidat untuk Team of The Year. Nantinya akan dipilih all star XI yang akan diperebutkan oleh 40 kandidat tersebut.
Berikut ini adalah ke-40 kandidat Team of The Year:
Goalkeepers: Buffon, Casillas, Cech and Neuer
Defenders: Barzagli, Cole, Hummels, Ivanovic, Jordi Alba, Kompany, Lahm, Mascherano, Pepe, Piqué, Sergio Ramos and Thiago Silva
Midfielders: Alonso, Blaszczykowski, Hazard, Iniesta, Juan Mata, Marchisio, Özil, Pirlo, Reus, Silva, Touré and Xavi
Forwards: Agüero, Burak Yilmaz, Cavani, Drogba, Falcao, Mario Gómez, Huntelaar, Ibrahimovic, Lewandowski, Messi, Ronaldo and Van Persie

11 pemain asli la masia

11 pemain la masia

Sebelas pemain lulusan akademi La Masia main bersama
Pertama kali dalam sejarah dalam laga tandang, Barça memakai 11 pemain lulusan akademi La Masia. Hal tersebut terjadi dalam pertandingan Liga Spanyol jornada 13 lawan Levante. Pada lineup awal pertandingan, Barça memang tidak langsung menggunakan 11 pemain asal La Masia, namun ketika Alves mengalami cidera paha, maka Vilanova memasukan Montoya dan itu membuat seluruh pemain yang bertandinga berasal dari La Masia. Pemain-pemain tersebut adalah Valdés, Montoya, Piqué, Jordi Alba, Busquets, Xavi, Cesc, Pedro, Messi dan Iniesta.
Joined the Club: 1995
Started with : Infantil
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 7
Joined the Club: 1999
Started with : Benjamí
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 10
Period in the academy teams: 1997-04
First team: 2008-13
Started with : Aleví B
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 7
Joined the Club: 1995
Started with : Juvenil A
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 3
Period in the academy teams: 1999-06
First team: 2012/13
Started with : Aleví
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 5
Joined the Club: 2005
Started with : Juvenil B
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 4
Joined the Club: 1991
Started with : Aleví
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 7
Period in the academy teams: 1998-03
First team: 2011-13
Started with : Aleví
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 5
Joined the Club: 1996
Started with : Infantil B
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 6
Joined the Club: 2001
Started with : Infantil B
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 7
Joined the Club: 2004
Started with : Juvenil A
Number of academy and reserve teams played in: 3
by :

inquiry of letters

What should be included in a letter of inquiry? A well-written letter of inquiry can be crucial to securing funding for your project. Many foundations now prefer that funding requests be submitted first in letter format instead of a full proposal. 
Others are using preliminary letters of inquiry to determine if they have an interest in a project before accepting a full proposal. An effective letter of inquiry is often more difficult to write than a full proposal. 
The letter of inquiry should be brief—no more than three pages—and must be a succinct but thorough presentation of the need or problem you have identified, the proposed solution, and your organization's qualifications for implementing that solution. 
The letter of inquiry should be addressed to the appropriate contact person at a foundation or to its CEO and should be sent by regular mail. Not unlike a grant proposal, the letter of inquiry should include the following sections:
 The introduction serves as the executive summary for the letter of inquiry and includes the name of your organization, the amount needed or requested, and a description of the project. The qualifications of project staff, a brief description of evaluative methodology, and a timetable are also included here. 
 The organization description should be concise and focus on the ability of your organization to meet the stated need. Provide a very brief history and description of your current programs while demonstrating a direct connection between what is currently being done and what you wish to accomplish with the requested funding. 
You will flesh this section out in greater detail if you are invited to submit a full proposal. The statement of need must convince the reader that there is an important need that can be met by your project. The statement of need includes: a description of the target population and geographical area, appropriate statistical data in abbreviated form, and several concrete examples. 
 The methodology should be appropriate to your statement of need and present a clear, logical, and achievable solution to the stated need. Describe the project briefly, including major activities, names and titles of key project staff, and your desired objectives. As with the organization description, this will be presented in far greater detail in a full proposal. 
 Other funding sources being approached for support of this project should be listed in a brief sentence or paragraph. The final summary restates the intent of the project, affirms your readiness to answer further questions, and thanks the potential funder for its consideration.
 Note: Attachments should be included only at the direction of the potential funder and should be specific to its application guidelines. Sample Letters of Inquiry Samples of actual letters of inquiry are usually hard to find because the donor and applicant may be very protective of these documents. Also, they usually are very specific to the project, organization, and funder


Inquiry Letter

PT. Barney Agriculture
Jl. HJ, yahja no 10

 December 4, 2012

PT. Tropical Life
Jl. Harapan Indah No. 2

Dear Sir,
We looked one of you product at Indonesian for the Healthy Earth Fair in Jakarta on November 27, 2012 and that product made us so interested. That product is tractor with the solar energy.
Because that, please send types of sample to us, including terms and catalogue. If we agree about the cost and capability of the tractor, we will order you.
We are looking forward to receiving your reply soon.

Your faithfully,
Ragil Saymore Marpaung

Head of Distributor

sumber :

Format Style Bussiness Letter

Format Style Bussiness Letter STYLE FORMAT BUSSINESS LETTER Full Block Style In Full Block Style, all parts like letter head, date, inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, complementary close, signature written in the left margin position. Example : Block Style In Block Style, letter head, date, and signature written in the right margin position, but another parts written in the left position. Example : Sumber : Semi Block Style In this format, some parts like letter, date, complementary close, and signature written in the center position of letter and another parts written in the left margin position. Every paragraph starting written after five space from the left margins. Example : Indented Style In this format, every line starting written after some spaces from the left margin. Spacing that usually used is 1 cm. Example : Hanging Style In this format, some parts like head, date, complementary close, and signature written in center position of letter. Another parts like inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter written using left margin position. The paragraph written by form skew to the left. Example : Simplified Style Definition The simplified style business letter is a variation of the full-block and semi-block letter formats. Business professionals take you more seriously when you format your written communications using one of these formats. A personal letter format is acceptable for writing to a friend, but using this format when you are sending a communication to another business owner can make you look unprofessional. Comparison Simplified-style business letters contain all the same elements as the full-block and semi-block letters. Like the full-block format, the simplified format left-justifies every line except for the company logo or letterhead. The date line is either slightly right of center or flush with the center of the page. Letters written in the simplified format have fewer internal sections, such as the body, salutation and date line. Formatting Set up the margins for the simplified format letter. The right and left margins should be 1 1/4 inches and the top and bottom margins should be 1 1/2 inches. The date of the letter should be placed six to 10 spaces under your company's letterhead. Position the recipient's name, if available, the company name and full address two to four spaces below the date of the letter. Two spaces below this address, type in the subject of your letter in all capital letters. Do not include an opening salutation. Begin the first paragraph of your letter two spaces below the subject line. Single-space each paragraph and place a full space between paragraphs. End with a closing salutation, such as "Sincerely yours," then, five spaces below the salutation, type your name in all capital letters. Immediately under your name, write down your title, again, in all capital letters. Two spaces under your title, type your initials. If your office assistant types your correspondence, she should add a forward slash and her initials in lower-case letters. If you are including an enclosure, type "Enclosure" two spaces below the initial block. Example :